Research News

These stories represent highlights of research and creative scholarship at Andrews University. 查看更全面的校园范围内的研究活动列表, 请浏览本研究网站专门介绍的部分 events, faculty research, and student research.









Theodicy of Love: Cosmic Conflict and the Problem of Evil is available as an audiobook.

John C. Peckham, 神学和基督教哲学研究教授, 宣布他2018年的书现在是一本有声书. 约翰·佩卡姆提出了一个建设性的爱的神正论,既维护上帝的主权,又维护人类的自由, showing that Scripture points toward a framework for thinking about God's love in relation to the world.




Dwain L Ford客座讲座系列出版

2023年出席的科学家名单 Dwain L Ford客座系列讲座 has been published.  This will be the 58th anniversary of the department annual guest lecture series. 这个系列被正式命名为 Dwain L Ford客座系列讲座 8 years ago in honour of Dwain L Ford, a beloved Department Chair and Organic Chemistry teacher.



上帝与我们同在:复临派神学导论 是由一带一路委托编辑的吗, 它的第一个目的是作为一个基础, accessible, and yet scholarly introduction to Adventist belief for undergraduate and graduate students.



bet365中文促进创新和创业在Pitch Competition

bet365中文大学的研究生和本科生参加了第二届年度演讲比赛,以促进学生的参与, innovation, 3月31日, 2023.



Eight words that have turned in to a short film that will be screening at the Sonscreen Film Festival, April 13–16, in Loma Linda, California.



bet365中文大学演讲语言专业 & 听力诊所最近获得了28万美元的奖金! 由帕金森之声项目资助的治疗和研究中心.



On March 13, 2023, undergraduate students from across Michigan presented their research at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (MASAL) in the Howard Performing Arts Center on the campus of Andrews University.



The yearly Honors and Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium was held on March 10, 2023, 各学科的优秀生和本科生研究奖学金向公众展示他们的研究成果.



安德鲁大学教授Heather Thompson Day和Seth Day合著了一本关于人际关系的书, "I'll See You Tomorrow."



Mary Hibby Schweitzer, PhD presented, "Dinosaurs under the Microscope" for the 3rd annual Robert & Lillis Kingman系列科学讲座 & Society.


CISM Lessons Learned: Crisis of Faith and the Importance of Spiritual Resilience

bet365中文大学教授, Harvey Burnet is published in the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc, 精神韧性的重要性.



Sojourner Truth, the renown ex-slave, 废奴主义者和女权活动家, died in her Battle Creek, Michigan, 11月26日凌晨回家, 1883. Later that same day, the Battle Creek Moon announced: "The funeral will be held at the Tabernacle Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Eld. Uriah Smith officiating."


Andrews University Department of English hosted a double book launch for professors and Shakespeare scholars L. 莫妮卡·皮特曼和凡妮莎·I. 2022年12月6日,科雷德拉. Students, faculty, 员工们聚在一起庆祝这两篇最近发表的学术论文,并听取了作者对他们工作的看法.

Research Week 2022

bet365中文大学的年度研究周从10月11日开始. 17–21. 该计划包括三个主要活动,共同展示了大学致力于寻求知识和参与社区创造一个更美好的世界.


U.S. representative Fred Upton presented the keynote address at the third annual Celebration of Community  Engagement.



安德鲁大学获得了礼来捐赠公司500万美元的资助. to help the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary establish the Andrews Center for Community Change.



美元普通扫盲基金会最近授予bet365中文大学一笔赠款,以支持bet365中文大学成人基础教育项目. The Dollar General Literacy Foundation supports organizations that increase access to educational programming, stimulate and enable innovation in the delivery of educational instruction and inspire a love of reading.


bet365中文大学是获得本科教育职业网络(NetVUE)职业学院助学金的精选机构之一. 该基金旨在帮助成员学院和大学加强文科与职业准备之间的联系.


两卷本简明评论是大会和bet365中文大学委托和资助的一个十年项目, 涉及来自世界各地的60多名圣经学者.


bet365中文大学开设生活方式医学诊所 & Training Center

bet365中文大学生活方式医学诊所 & Training Center opened on Monday, April 25, with the aim to prevent and treat chronic diseases. The clinic was made possible through a grant awarded in October 2021 by the Ardmore Institute of Health.


Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, bet365中文大学生物学教授, 获得了国家地理学会的资助,作为2022年国家地理探险家,研究巴西亚马逊盆地亚马逊海牛的新探测技术.


An Andrews University staff member and archaeologist recently spent two weeks as an expert field epigraphist, carefully documenting each hieroglyph from one of the most famous inscriptions in Egyptian archaeology.


bet365中文大学获奖学金 重构机构传奇 CIC Grant 

bet365中文大学获得38美元,800 to re-examine and reframe the University’s history within its social context..


Leveraging Collaboration and Peer Support to Initiate and Sustain a Faculty Development Program

bet365中文大学教授Anneris Coria-Navia和Scott Moncrieff说明了资金不足的项目如何利用同伴合作和支持来启动生产, 正式的教师援助制度.


Andrews University received a five-year grant of $997,444 from Lilly Endowment Inc. 帮助基督复临安息日会神学院加强牧师在城市环境中有效服务的能力.



Andrews University has recently instituted a senior research professor status for retired faculty. 该职位允许退休教师在辞去全职教学工作的同时,继续与大学保持专业联系.


Greg Constantine, 驻校艺术家,艺术研究教授, emeritus, 安德鲁大学的艺术家将在名为“我的艺术之旅”的回顾展上展示他自1974年以来的艺术经历.”

Levantine Entanglements

该卷使一个更具包容性和非殖民化的方法来考古和历史的世界地区,我们通常被称为圣地的情况下. 它代表了由挪威科学与文学院高级研究中心赞助的一个国际跨学科团队长期合作的最终成果. Leaders of the project were Professor Terje Stordalen of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo, 挪威和Oystein S. 美国密歇根州bet365中文大学的拉比安卡. 




近日,国际地磁与航空学会(IAGA)的沈括跨学科成就奖被授予杰伊·约翰逊, Ph.D.工程学教授. Scientists within the IAGA study the planets' magnetic and electrical properties. IAGA的重点是地磁. the study of the magnetic field of earth, and aeronomy, the science of the upper atmosphere.


Roy Gane discusses the book 探索摩西五经的组成 (Eisenbrauns, 2020). 这本书是由bet365中文博士编辑的.D. students, graduates, 和一名宗教教职员工, 是在大学校园举办的会议的结果吗. 这本书从对古代近东背景的圣经文本分析中研究了新的观点,涵盖了广泛的主题和不同的观点. 这些章节关注的是学术的历史和对摩西五经发展的替代方法, and the exegesis of particular texts relevant to the composition of the Torah. Editors are L.S. Baker Jr.Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells.

Exploring Adverse Childhood Experiences in Racial and Ethnic Groups: Findings from a Diverse University Sample. 

Jasmine K. Collard和Melissa Ponce-Rodas(2020)研究了种族群体之间在个体ace和群体ace方面的差异 ACEs total score which may have implications for culturally informed prevention and early intervention. 

Preliminary Findings For Pathways to Resilience Among Critical Incident Stress Management Responders

Harvey Burnett Jr., Karl Bailey, 和Rachelle Pichot(2020)发表的研究结果对压力管理响应者需要接受专业的关键事件压力管理培训产生了影响.

生物学学生Nina Woodard在研究网络研讨会上亮相

April 23, 2020. Nina Woodard (BS Biology, Class of 2020) presented her research on Florida manatees in an interactive webinar hosted by bet365中文大学校友服务. 尼娜还回答了观众的问题,同时分享了在美国和国外的经历,这些经历对她的教育至关重要. 尼娜的报告可以在 YouTube.


Jônatas Ferreira, PhD student in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary New Testament Department, received the Graduate Student Paper Award at the 2020 Midwest Region Society of Biblical Literature, 是在圣玛丽学院举行的, Notre Dame, Indiana. 费雷拉的论文题目是, “Exegeting Phrase-Level Parataxis as a Grammatic Unit: Colossians 2:16 for a Test Case.” The Midwest region of the Society of Biblical Literature includes Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Iowa. Learn more here.


奥伊斯坦·拉比安卡在耶路撒冷进行研究.F. 奥尔布赖特考古研究所

October 1, 2019. Oystein LaBianca, 他是bet365中文大学(Andrews University)人类学教授兼考古研究所副所长,最近作为W.F. 奥尔布赖特考古研究所. During this fellowship, LaBianca completed two books in collaboration with others: Levantine Entanglement: Local Dynamics of Globalization in a Contested Region and 勒文提关系:希斯班的观点. 他还共同领导了一个研讨会,为访问学者策划了文化活动. 他还去了佛罗伦萨, Italy, 在那里,他作为约旦历史和考古国际会议开幕式的主旨发言人之一(图为讲话)。. Learn more here: LaBianca Spends 4.5 Months in Jerusalem.


September 23, 2019. Vivian Laughlin, who recently earned her PhD from Andrews University in biblical and Near Eastern archaeology, 获得了富布赖特奖学金.S. Scholar Program award. "For the next two years, 她将研究古埃及塞拉皮斯和伊希斯邪教的文化挪用及其对犹太和巴勒斯坦的影响," reports ABC57, 美国广播公司在南本德的分支机构, Indiana (link).

School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Receives Grant from the Parkinson Voice Project

July 11, 2019. The Parkinson Voice Project has named the Andrews University School of Communication Sciences & 失调作为2019年“说出来”的接受者! & LOUD Crowd Grant Program. 作为赠款接受者,非盟诊所提供“说出来”服务! 以及The LOUD Crowd为密歇根州当地的帕金森患者社区提供服务. SPEAK OUT! consists of individual speech therapy conducted by a speech-language pathologist. Learn more: AU Agenda and WSBT22.


March 4, 2019. The European Space Agency (ESA) has highlighted a paper co-authored by Professor Jay R. 约翰逊的照片 website. Dr. 约翰逊在bet365中文大学教授物理和工程学. 这篇论文的摘要题为“Electron Distributions in Kinetic Scale Field Line Resonances: A Comparison of Simulations and Observations" (地球物理研究快报, 11 June 2018), 开始:“动力学尺度场线共振的观测, 或者地磁场的特征模, 显示高度场对准的平台电子分布. 通过将范艾伦探测器和星团飞船的观测结果与混合动力回旋流体模拟相结合,我们展示了这些分布是如何从电子与波场的非局部自洽相互作用中产生的."


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